Exploring superradiance for enhanced sensors

Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportPh.d.-afhandlingForskning

In this thesis, we describe experimental upgrades to the apparatus to investigate superradiance on the kHz intercombination line in ultracold 88-strontium. We present two experimental results which leverage collective effects of atoms within a cavity, applying tools of cavity quantum electrodynamics for advancing atomic clock technology.
In our first investigation, we employ superradiant pulses from the cavity mode as a fast and directed atomic population readout. This approach relies on an excitation threshold for superradiant emission, which occurs for a transversely driven atomic ensemble. We experimentally verify this threshold and map out a unique Ramsey spectroscopic lineshape. This lineshape is characterized by its nearzero photon zones where the pump laser detuning results in an excitation below the established threshold. Our technique induces significantly less heating compared to more common fluorescent state readouts. We demonstrate the potential for multiple Ramsey sequences within a single experimental cycle.
In our second investigation, we analyze the frequency spectrum of superradiant emission by extending the pulses using an incoherent repumping scheme. By tuning a repump laser’s frequency, we control and sustain steady state lasing for over a millisecond. This allows us to observe a linewidth of the emitted light that is nearly an order of magnitude narrower than the transition linewidth. Our system operates in what is known as the ”bad cavity” regime, where the phase coherence in the laser is predominantly stored in the atoms rather than in the intracavity light field. Therefore, the emitted light is not only narrow in frequency, but also exhibits reduced sensitivity to cavity mirror vibrations- a prevailing challenge in contemporary atomic clocks.
ForlagNiels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen
Antal sider127
StatusUdgivet - 2023

ID: 379587957