2. juni 2017

DANSCATT's pris for bedste Ph.D. afhandling

Bedste Ph.D. afhandling:

Henrik Jacobsen, PhD fra NBI i 2016, modtag den 1. juni DANSCATT's pris for bedste Ph.D. afhandling, med titlen "Complex magnetic systems studied by neutron scattering.

Henriks Ph.D. bredte sig meget vidt fra studier af magnetiske nanopartikler over frustrerede magneter, til højtemperatur superledere og instrumentudvikling til ESS.

Henrik Jacobsen

Henrik Jacobsen modtager DANSCATT's pris for bedste Ph.D. afhandling

Henrik's Ph.D. arbejde førte til, at han nu er forfatter eller medforfatter til 16 videnskabelige artikler, heraf en i Science, med en håndfuld mere under udarbejdelse.

DANSCATT er et instrumentcenter, der dækker den nationale brugergruppe for synchrotron-røntgen og neutronfaciliteter med ca. 500 medlemmer. DANSCATT holder årsmøde på SDU 1 + 2 juni, hvor Henrik Jacobsen får overrakt prisen og mulighed for at præsentere sit Ph.d. projekt.

Henriks vejledere var Kim Lefmann, NBI og Pascale Deen, ESS. Efter sin Ph.D. grad har Henrik fået en 3-årig postdoc stilling på University of Oxford.

Motivation for the award of the Danscatt PhD Award 2017 to Henrik Jacobsen

Henrik Jacobsen will on the 1st of June be awarded the Danscatt PhD award 2017 for his PhD thesis “Complex magnetic systems studied with neutron scattering”. Henrik did his PhD research at the Niels Bohr Institute at Copenhagen University (CU) and The European Spallation Source (ESS) under supervision of Associate Professor Kim Lefmann and Dr. Pascale Dean.

Kim Lefmann og Henrik

Kim Lefmann har været Henriks vejleder under Ph.D. uddannelsen.

Henrik was nominated for the award by his supervisor Associate Professor Kim Lefmann who wrote in his motivation: “Henrik is a very hard-working, dedicated and intelligent young researcher, who defended his thesis in a superior manner during the fall. I believe, Henrik is about to start a great carrier in science”.   

Henrik in the labHenrik is now postdoctoral research associate at Department of Physics, Oxford University. The evaluation committee is sure that he will conduct excellent scientific work both at Oxford University and in the years to come. We look forward to follow his career and contributions to science.

The Danscatt PhD award is given each year to an excellent young researcher, who completed a PhD thesis within the past year. The thesis work should demonstrate science at a high international level accomplished by the use of neutron or hard x-ray synchrotron/XFEL sources and/or development of new methods for acquisition, processing or interpretation of scattering data from neutron or hard x-ray synchrotron/XFEL sources. The award comes with a personal price of 5000,- kr sponsored by Xnovo Technology ApS.

The evaluation committee:

  • Associate Professor Dorthe B. Ravmsbæk, University of Southern Denmark
  • Associate Professor Søren Skou Thirup, Aarhus University
  • CEO Erik Lauridsen, Xnovo Technology ApS
